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Manager? Recruiter? Stop Hiring For a Motivated Mindset
3 motivation myths that are costing you great candidates.
Have you been let down by the self-proclaimed “driven” employee that starts at your company and doesn’t perform well? You know, the ones who are “highly motivated”.
I bet you believe that the “motivated” candidates are the only ones worth hiring… but let me guess, this isn’t working for you, right?
So help me understand, why are North Americans obsessed with motivation?
Barely a day goes by when we don’t use motivation (or lack thereof) as a reason or excuse for our behaviours.
“I’m just not motivated to work out today”
“I’m not going to make that sales call”
“I just don’t feel like it”
You’ve said those things before. I have too. But why do we care so much about if we want to do something? Why don’t we focus more on why we want to do something?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines motivation as the condition of being eager to act or work. I define it as acting from a place of desire. But the belief that you need to have a motivated mindset to act, leaves you dependent on surface-level whims. Instead, you…